Independence for All People

Independence For All


That’s the estimated number of people currently incarcerated for cannabis offenses.

In California, anyone over the age of 21 can legally buy cannabis—everything from indica flower and fruit-flavored THC gummies to dark chocolate edibles. However, purchasing cannabis for its positive impact on wellness or relaxing effects remains a criminalized act in many parts of the United States.

Because of the mixed legal status and federal criminalization of marijuana, there are 40,000 people suffering the loss of their freedom—more than double the entire prison population of Belgium or the Austria.

It’s a grim picture, but the Last Prisoner Project is focused on changing it. How would it feel, asked founder Steve DeAngelo, if you were “sitting in a prison cell, looking out, and watching other people build inter-generational wealth—billions of dollars—for doing exactly the same thing that you’re in prison for?”

The problem is real. After being arrested for possession of less than 3 grams of marijuana, Bernard Noble was sentenced to 13 years of hard labor. He was freed on parole after serving 7 years in prison. The Last Prisoner Project is fighting for those like Noble–people unfairly targeted by unjust cannabis laws around the country.

The organization is attacking the issue on several fronts. They’re advocating for the removal of punitive cannabis laws on the federal and state levels in order to prevent more prisoners like Bernard Noble from entering the system. They also recruit and train attorneys to help those currently incarcerated, assist former prisoners with expunging their criminal records, and offer vocational training programs.

Serving the blüm community by providing safe access to high-quality cannabis at our Santa Ana, Oakland, or San Leandro locations is what we do, and we’re proud to support The Last Prisoner Project with our fundraising efforts. As a result of your participation in our Independence Day weekend sale, we were able to raise $10,000 together.

We thank the members of the community who came in and made this donation possible, as well as the Last Prisoner Project for the important work they do. We believe in everyone having access to their own cannabis journey, and we support their vow to do this crucial work “until the last cannabis prisoner has been set free.”     

Interested in donating to the Last Prisoner Project? Direct donations are accepted here.

 Interested in volunteering with the Last Prisoner Project? Learn more here.

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